@mograg gallery
2021.07.24.sat – 08.15.sun
2021.07.24.sat – 08.15.sun
OPEN /13:00-20:00
CLOSE /月曜日
“パラレルドーナツ -Parallel Donuts-” 始動!
“日本のロウブロウ・アート”を提唱し、独自のアーティストネットワークを展開するギャラリー『mograg gallery』と“世界を面白くしていく”を標榜するトイメーカー「ケンエレファント」のソフビ部隊『中空工房』がタッグを組み、ソフビ表現の新たな可能性を追求するコラボシリーズが始動します。
mograg galleryがレコメンドする、オリジナリティー溢れるペインター3名が描くキャラクターを、中空工房がハイクオリティーなソフビに立体化。それらを2会場で展示販売します。
アートを日常的に楽しむロウブロウ・アート(大衆芸術)として、また手にとって、触って飾って愛でるトイとして、“パラレルドーナツ -Parallel Donuts-”をぜひお楽しみ下さい!
Mograg gallery, a gallery that advocates Japanese lowbrow art and has developed its own network of artists, is now teaming up with Chuku Kobo for a new project. Chuku Kobo is a factory for sofvi (soft vinyl toys) belonging to Japanese toy manufacturer Kenelephant whose motto is “make the world a fun place”. Together we’ll bring you a series of sofvi that opens up new possibilities.
In our very first exhibition, we’ll launch three collaborations. Chuku Kobo transforms 2D characters, created by three highly unique artists that mograg endorses, into high-quality 3D sofvi toys. These designer toys will be shown in two separate exhibition venues and every piece is purchasable. You might also find exclusive items such as limited color, one-off products painted by featured artists’ own hands, original art goods and merchandise associated with each character’s vibrant narrative.
We hope you enjoy the sofvi from Parallel Donuts as lowbrow artworks that make your everyday life more entertaining or simply as toys that you can touch, look at and treasure.
2021.08.05.thu – 08.18.wed
OPEN / 8:00-22:00 日・連休最終日の祝日 8:00-21:00
JR東京駅構内 グランスタ東京 1F VINYL内